
Monday, July 29, 2024

YEC and the Evidence of Red Ocher Burials


If you hold to Young Earth Creationism, you must deny the weighty evidence that suggests that God was working among early human populations.

Anthropologists agree that red ocher used in burial is symbolic of blood. They do not agree as to the nature of the blood. Does red ocher burial testify to a belief that the buried individual is returned to the womb of Mother Earth? Is it symbolic of placental blood? Or is it symbolic of a sacrifice of an animal that was then eaten? Did the red ocher symbolize sacrificial blood covering? 

While anthropologists do not agree on the nature of the blood being symbolized, they do agree that the practice of red ocher burial suggests the hope for life after death among Mesolithic and Neolithic populations. 

See this: BIBLICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Red Ocher Burial Signifies Religious Belief

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